Design & Manufacturing – Engineering for Product & Manufacturing
The Digital Assisted Operator
Sebastian Knödel – Diota GmbH
Allowing to visualize and interact with digital instructions directly exported from industrial information systems, Digital-Assisted Operations enables workers to take advantage of the digital for shop floor operations. Using the most suited hardware device (computer tablets, projection systems, mobile AR-stations, HMDS, etc.), they visualize the right information at the right time and in the right place, thus better understand and carry out complex tasks.
Personal Profile
Sebastian Knödel
CEO – Diota GmbH
Managing Director of Diota GmbH since May 2017 and responsible for business development in DACH region. Previously, lead the Research and Development department at Diota, designing innovative solutions for industry 4.0 used in manufacturing, quality inspection and maintenance for automotive and aerospace industry. Finished PhD in Computer Science at University of Bordeaux in 2009, has a German diploma in Computer Science and successfully accomplished the executive MBA program at EPITECH in Paris 2017. Enthusiastic and persevering, skilled in customer relationship.
Company Presentation
Diota GmbH
A leading player in Industry 4.0, Diota designs and develops software solutions dedicated to optimizing the industrial performance in human and robotic contexts. Allowing for an interactive digital continuity between back office engineering and field operations via advanced technologies – interactive 3D, Augmented Reality, vision, AI, deep learning … – these solutions efficiently leverages the Digital in the Field in order to maximize quality, traceability and productivity throughout complex manufacturing, inspection and maintenance processes.