Design & Manufacturing – Engineering for Product & Manufacturing
Haptics as the ultimate user in the loop technology
Jérôme Perret
The sense of touch is critical for our daily activities, however it is seldom properly addressed in Virtual Environments. Haptics, and more specifically force-feedback, can improve the user experience and make the difference between a useless nerd game and a really effective engineering tool. Good value-for-money is achieved by balancing the implementation constraints and the necessary acquisition of expertise with the expected benefits for precise use-cases.
Personal Profile
Jérôme Perret
CEO – Haption
Jérôme Perret holds an engineering degree in aeronautics and space (Toulouse), a master degree in computer science (Paris) and a PhD in robotics and artificial intelligence (Toulouse and Karlsruhe). He co-founded the company Haption in 2001, and the German subsidiary Haption GmbH in 2013. He’s been an active member of the Executive Committee of the European association EuroVR since 2009 (www.eurovr-association.org). At Haption, beside his management role, he also pilots all R&D projects related to software development.
Company Presentation
The company Haption is a high-tech SME based in France, founded in 2001 as a spin-off of the French research center CEA LIST. We propose hardware and software solutions for physical interaction with force-feedback, with several application domains: Virtual Reality, virtual prototyping, medical training, as well as remote control. We have been a Dassault Systems CAA partner since 2004.